Colibri is a lightweight, customizable component library for Svelte apps. Our goal is to provide you with a set of components for the majority of common use cases, letting you build on top of that to realize your ideas without worrying about finding or building basic interactive elements. We also want to give you the flexibility to style the components however you want while keeping things consistent for you.
Getting started
1. Install the library
$> npm install @thetinkerinc/colibri
2. Import the base styles and a theme in your root +layout.svelte file
import { Themer } from '@thetinkerinc/colibri';
import theme from '@thetinkerinc/colibri/themes/colibri.js';

import '@thetinkerinc/colibri/styles/all.css';

<Themer {theme}>
	<slot />
3. Start using components
import { Button } from '@thetinkerinc/colibri';

function handleClick() {
	console.log("That's all there is to it!");

<Button on:click={handleClick}>Click me</Button>